Can you slow down to speed up?

Jan 25, 2023

Hey lovely,

Is it really possible to speed up and gain more momentum by slowing down?

I do believe so and this phrase has been coming up a lot in my world lately.

We’re only 3 weeks into the year but it feels like we’re already catapulting towards mid-year with all that’s planned. My February is honestly full! Clients keep telling me my calendar app is all blocked out, and even when I try to find space – I really can’t!

This is due to some amazing things happening in my world and actually, it’s because I’ve proactively blocked it out to create some space for rest and recuperation. Something I never did in the past.

We have two photoshoots on, Sydney and Melbourne, in the coming weeks. I also have a speaking gig in Sydney, a special family birthday, and then it’s time for the SOLD-OUT Kangaroo Valley Retreat!! So around all of that, I have planned some downtime so I can catch up and have some space for me.


Do you do this? Create space in your calendar for … nothing! For rest, for thinking, for creativity? I can’t tell you how invaluable this lesson has been for me. 

It’s why I created the Rest & Receive Retreats. Because I realised how much I gained, and how much further forward I could go when I actually made time to rest and allowed myself to receive.

If the universe sees that we are constantly busy, always on the go and don’t have a spare minute in our day – how can it deliver what we’re asking for? You don’t have the space or capacity for anything new and wonderful to come in – the unexpected opportunities are sometimes the best. 

I’ve also been craving nature! It’s Summer in Australia and very hot up here in Queensland. So I’m jumping in the pool, sitting in the breeze and walking by the ocean as much as I can. Taking a few snaps of course, but otherwise when I’m out – trying to really be present and soak in the loveliness of our natural surroundings. 

This is why Jade Warne and I have created our Walking Retreat – Country + Connection + Content. We want to get OFFLINE, get out into nature and connect deeply with our purpose. We will be learning in a whole new way and taking a group of amazing people along for the ride. 

Are you feeling overwhelmed with the pace of 2023 so far?  

Write back and tell me ways that you can find space for YOU in your every day.


Emma “Lovelly” Lovell